Lancers are starting off the 2nd semester of school strong with new incentives at East Campus for good behavior. There will be drawings that you can enter where you can win student prizes. These drawings will be held at the end of every month, starting in January. There are so many prizes you can receive: Lake Park swag, treats, pizza parties, lunch for you and your friends from a local restaurant brought to East Campus, and more! On top of that, there is a special opportunity for 8 sophomores that can win a free parking spot at West Campus during their junior year.
These awards are not won without a little hard work. In order to earn a chance to win these great prizes students must have perfect attendance for the month, obtaining 3 entries. Students with no tardies for the month will get 3 additional entries. No major disciplinary referrals for the month will allow a student 3 more entries. Finally, only students who are passing all classes with a “C” or better can receive 3 other entries. If you work hard and succeed in all four categories, you will get a high chance of winning a prize! The limit of tickets you can enter in a month is 12, which is the best you can get. This will restart every month so if you do not win, you can always get another chance, and if you do win, you can be entered again and earn more.
Winners might wonder where to report when they want to receive their prize. Well our assistant principal for student services, Mrs. Perez-Carter, says, “Winners will be able to report to the main office to claim their prize – most winners will be offered a choice as to which prize they prefer, but we’re limited to awarding 2 free/guaranteed parking spots for junior year each month,” said Assistant Principal Ms. Melinda Perez-Carter.
Students are able to choose their preferred gift from the many awards that are available. It also should be noted that the free parking spots are only given to sophomores; no freshman will be able to claim.
There will be 4-5 winners every month over the course of four months, so listen up for your name on the morning announcements. Lancers should pay attention to announcements and reminders of the drawings and hope to be rewarded for rising to the challenge.