Murder. Suicide. Betrayal. Confusion. Hurt. Andie Bell, a 16-year old, was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh, who then out of guilt, committed suicide. Sal Singh was the known villain of the small town...
Imagine a world where books are illegal, and the job of “firemen” is to burn them. This is the premise of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Despite being written in the 1950s, the book remains relevant...
It’s finally here, the last theatre production of 2023. We started in March with the Harry Potter rewrite of Puffs, dazzled with The Drowsy Chaperone, and ended with the highly-anticipated The Lion,...
In today’s world, many of the most notable stories we know once came from aspiring novelists, storytellers, and talented writers who took their thoughts and ideas and turned them into incredible, well-crafted...